No excuses, just fast,
courteous process service!
Responsive Customer Service
Track and Reporting for Attempts
Electronic Acceptance & Return
Questions? Need Service? Contact Us.
Online Payments
PPO Worksheet
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MICPS Difference
Accountable and Customer Focused

We have a full time dedicated expeditor to oversee your process service, provide prompt updates and complete all documentation.
We can accept documents electronically, forward them to our team in the field in moments and tender witness fees for you to save time.
MICPS Guarantee
Over 60 Years of Experience

We understand that how we perform is a direct reflection on our clients and we take that responsibility very seriously. Every service is attempted immediately, with courtesy toward the party being served and complete documentation of our results. If our servers encounter any unusual circumstances, they will document everything and immediately provide you with the pertinent information.
We also understand that every Michigan process server claims to be competent and fast, yet few are either. MiCPS does more than make promises, we get results! We will tell you up front when we will serve it and keep you updated throughout the process.
Fast and Efficient
Document Accepted Electronically
Our staff of Michigan process servers has over 60 years of experience. We began in metro-Detroit and grew to serve process statewide. We get it served fast!
Skip Tracing
Locating Addresses for Individuals, Corporations, or Corporate Officers
We have a dedicated team of professional investigators who specialize in locating people who support our Michigan process servers, giving us the ability to locate a current address for the average person in a matter of hours.
Get In Touch
Contact Us
Phone (586) 203-2868
Michigan Civil Process Service
42815 Garfield Rd
Suite 208
Clinton Township, MI 48038
Get In Touch
Contact Us
Phone (586) 203-2868
Michigan Civil Process Service
42815 Garfield Rd
Suite 208
Clinton Township, MI 48038
Get In Touch
Contact Us
Phone (586) 203-2868
Michigan Civil Process Service
42815 Garfield Rd
Suite 208
Clinton Township, MI 48038